Our Campaigns


Our Children are our future. Therefore helping them live strong healthy life starting from conception is integral to that healthy future.  The PHF child and maternal health strengthening initiative is focused on contributing to building this healthy future.

We aim to provide capacity building programmes through strengthening skill and capabilities of healthcare workers who are involved in the care of maternity services, early year services for children and support to mothers to ensure improved child survival and improved maternal health.

A key project under the strand is the Neonatal Resuscitation Training. We aim to build partnership with governments across the country to provide this capacity building programme through regular interactions between experts and frontline staff involved service delivery at all levels.


         2. Model Accessible Medical Centre Initiative.

PHF looks to set up medical centres at party offices at the National HQ and state offices to operate and provide medical care to party staff. The clinic shall operate under the following terms.

  1. Promote accessible qualitative healthcare for staff and members as a practical way of promoting social democratic values at grassroots level.

The medical centre(s) will run as social enterprise (non-profit) organisations by ensuring that all profits are reinvested into the service.

  1. All party staff are expected to enrol/register into the programme and pay an amount into the project fund commensurate with their earning, based on percentage from their medical allowance.
  2. PHF will continuously raise funds from diverse but legitimate sources both local and from international donors to ensure continuous access to high quality services.
  3. Party members who are medical and allied health professionals will be encouraged to provide services as well as run skill transfer programmes as services to the party.

3. Hospital Equipment donation project:

Most hospitals and clinics especially in the rural communities of Nigeria are extremely poorly equipped to the extent even where medical staff are present, they function under the most extreme of equipment lack. We aim to continuously appeal for donation of used hospital equipment to be refurbished and donated to clinics in communities that are willing to partner with the PHF. We shall set up partnership agreement to ensure sustainability and maintenance for maximum impact.

4.Bring them Back Campaign and project:

A mental health initiative if the PHF

This project aimed at working with drug addicts/substance abusers to help them recover their lives and become productive members of families and communities. Most people especially the young vulnerable individuals are drawn into and hooked into this downward spiral in their lives find themselves without the expert help and facilities to help them find their way out the darkness they find themselves in.

PHF is looking to mount a national campaign for a well-defined rehabilitation programme that is both culturally inclusive and is evidence based. We will work with experts to provide safe environment for individuals to come to for rehabilitation.

5. Seniors care

The pressures of modern living means that children are no longer able to stay with their parents and provide the kind of community support that our cultures have always known and which many of our senior citizens looked forward to when they raised their children.

At the PHF we look to develop and grow a community based comprehensive medical and social care service for senior citizens to ensure that they receive regular preventative healthcare visits and examination as well as packaged care services to include shopping, laundry, home visits by locals who know and understand the cultures of these senior citizens etc.

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